GDPR ruling: Google Fonts integration
Many companies use symbolic measures such as cookie consent banners to feign DSGVO compliance. However, experts stress the need for concrete measures and stricter penalties, especially since such violations can put customers and their data at risk.
GDPR All in one for WP multiplies the size of the wp-options table.
In many places it is claimed that WordPress is worse optimized than other content management systems – but the cause is usually individual plugins. A practical example.
50 GDPR warnings in Berlin affect all industries
Clear legal situation and yet it will now be hectic in 50 companies – find out the reason for the GDPR warnings and how they could have been avoided.
GDPR: 65,000 Euro penalty for missing updates
The penalty could have been avoided with manageable effort.
Cookie Consent vs. PageSpeed Optimization
What effect does UserCentrics GDPR cookie consent have on PageSpeed? Analysis & Recommendation